LearnDanny Sheehan on UFOs, AARO’s recent UAP report, Whistleblowers, Albert Stein’s (Project Bluebook) deathbed testimony, Luis Elizondo, Sean Kirkpatrick, & much more…
Unravelling the UFO issue w/ Danny Sheehan (whistleblowers, deathbed testimony, AARO report & more)
onMarch 15, 2024
Daniel Sheehan is a Harvard trained attorney with close to 50 years of experience. He served as Legal Counsel to renowned Harvard psychiatrist Dr. John Mack. After Harvard forced Dr. Mack to defend his controversial research into the alien abduction phenomenon, Daniel represented him and secured him his academic freedom to continue that work. Daniel has most recently served as General Counsel to UFO whistleblower Luis Elizondo, is the founder of the New Paradigm Institute, and is currently pushing hard for UFO disclosure.