
Breaking News: UFO/UAP Disclosure at a Critical Juncture with Daniel Sheehan

Podcast|UAP Disclosure Act
onJune 21, 2024
PEERS and WantToKnow.info director Amber Yang recently interviewed prominent lawyer and founder of New Paradigm Institute Daniel Sheehan to discuss what may be the clearest political path to UAP/UFO disclosure that we’ve ever seen.
PEERS and WantToKnow.info director Amber Yang recently interviewed prominent lawyer and founder of New Paradigm Institute (https://action.newparadigminstitute.org/) Daniel Sheehan to discuss what may be the clearest political path to UAP/UFO disclosure that we’ve ever seen. This would include the release of government knowledge regarding non-human intelligence and UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering programs (the process of studying previously unknown technology and unlocking its secrets for replication).

We explore the implications of UFO secrecy and what a responsible end to the secrecy might look like. We also discuss the barriers to disclosure, including the illegal destruction of important records, organized disinformation and blackmail campaigns, and the role of the media in setting the tone about these controversial issues.

00:01:15: Why are the topics of UAP/UFOs important for the everyday person to know about?
00:04:09 UAP Disclosure Act 101
00:12:40 Barriers to disclosure: illegal destruction of important records and organized disinformation and blackmail campaigns
00:20:53 What is the role of the media in supporting public knowledge of UAP/UFOs?
00:28:35 Hope and inspiration in the UAP/UFO disclosure movement

One way or another, this is a crucial year for UAP/UFO disclosure. The UAP Disclosure Act (UAPDA) within the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) requires all government agencies to review their own documents and make them available to the National Archives (https://www.archives.gov/records-mgmt…) by October 18, 2024. This includes any UFO information dating back to 1945, which would include the infamous Roswell incident (https://www.wanttoknow.info/ufo-infor… ).

“The law has now mandated that all six of our United States military services, all 18 of our United States intelligence agencies, all 32 of our United States defense department agencies are all ordered to gather together every single piece of information they have acquired pertaining to the UFO phenomenon and non-human intelligence that is understood to be responsible for it. “— Daniel Sheehan

Unfortunately, important provisions were stripped from the 2024 NDAA that would have made this information public and ensured the compliance of government agencies and private defense contractors.

“During the revision process, the original bill underwent dangerous changes at the hands of special interests: gone from the legislation now are several crucial features, including an independent review board with subpoena power to compel the revelation of sensitive information by Executive Branch agencies and private companies. Also, there is now no eminent domain authority to mandate the return to the government of UFO/UAP technologies currently in the hands of private aerospace defense contractors.” — New Paradigm Institute (https://action.newparadigminstitute.org/acti…)

The New Paradigm Institute is spearheading a nonpartisan citizens movement to restore these provisions to the 2025 NDAA (https://action.newparadigminstitute.org/2024…) —charting a course for whistleblowers to safely come forward and for the truth to be revealed to the public regarding UFO/UAPs and non-human intelligence.

GET INVOLVED: Explore the WantToKnow.info UFO Information Center https://www.wanttoknow.info/ufo-infor…

Urge Congress to Pass the UAP Disclosure Act https://action.newparadigminstitute.org/acti...

Join Our Citizens for Disclosure Movement https://ufos.pro/join-citizens-for-di...

Take Action – Demand UAP Transparency https://ufos.pro/demand-uap-transparency

Filmed by The New Paradigm Institute Video editing by The New Paradigm Institute & WantToKnow.info