
Join our team of compassionate champions for full and responsible UAP disclosure dedicated to preparing the human family for a post-contact entry into the galactic civilization.


We are dedicated to a philosophy of being kind and respectful with a “do no harm” intention in our pursuit of the truth.

Icon Right to know light
The People’s Right to Know

Religious freedom and personal autonomy rely on a government that provides its citizens with information related to their safety and security. Withholding this information robs people of their ability to make informed decisions.

Icon Scientific light
Scientific Rigor

We are a fact-based organization working to secure UAP disclosure. We believe that shared information and collaboration more quickly advances scientific knowledge and breakthrough research.

Icon Accountability light
Accountability and Transparency

We hold institutions accountable, demanding openness and honesty regarding UAP information to foster trust between government and citizens. We expect the same degree of accountability and transparency from ourselves and our partners.

Icon Transformation light
Positive Transformation

We work towards deconstruction of unjust systems, environmental restoration, and the peaceful integration of the human family into a broader galactic community.

People pointing up at aurora

Our Culture

We believe that the call for full and responsible UAP disclosure is a sacred journey, and together, we will be a force for truth, and bipartisan and cross-cultural collaboration that leads to a peaceful, positive future.

We are a team of compassionate champions for the truth who believe that the new civil rights movement is “The Right to Know.” This endeavor is centered on alignment between people and mutual respect between us, elected officials and our fellow citizens.

People interested in joining our growing team should be of the mindset that we’re all working together to transform the consciousness of the human family as we approach our emergence into responsible members of a galactic civilization.