Full and Responsible Financial Disclosure

New Paradigm Institute Annual Reports and Financials

The New Paradigm Institute, a program of the Romero Institute, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, believes in full transparency at every level. Read on to learn about where our money comes from, and to view annual reports and financial statements of the Romero Institute and its programs, including the New Paradigm Institute.

The annual reports summarize our financial results, provide an overview of the impact our work has had, and recognize the generous donors who make our work possible.

Please contact [email protected] with any questions.

Where Our Money Comes From

Donations and Grants

Our primary source of funding is donations from generous supporters of the UAP Disclosure cause. Without their help, we would not exist. Together, we push toward transparency at every level.

Media Monetization

A small, but growing, portion of our funding comes from monetization of our content on publicly available media channels. Our goal is always to make our content available for free, and to make every effort to ensure that all monetization, typically in the form of advertisements, are done in as unobtrusive a manner as possible.

Educational Partnerships

Our Academic Certificate Program and partnerships, such as with Ubiquity University, provide much needed revenue in support of the UAP Disclosure cause, and sponsors the operational costs associated with running the programs.

Annual Reports

Financial Statements