
Danny Sheehan Pushes Congress for UAP Transparency

Daniel P Sheehan Master Press Shot e1707843501535
Press Release|UFO/UAP and the US Government
onDecember 4, 2023
Danny is urging lawmakers to increase transparency on UAP issues by serving notice to Congress and engaging voters. We are pushing for the disclosure of vital information to ensure accountability and public awareness. This effort highlights the significance of UAP transparency and encourages voter involvement in demanding action from their representatives. For more details, read the full article here.

WASHINGTON, DC, UNITED STATES, December 4, 2023 — Daniel Sheehan, acclaimed American civil rights and Constitutional law attorney and founder of the New Paradigm Institute, inaugurated a new initiative to force the US government to divulge what it knows about Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) to the public.

On Friday, November 30, 2023, the New Paradigm Institute (NPI) launched a new website with a public call to action for voters to demand Congress include and pass the Schumer-Rounds UAP Disclosure Act (UAPDA) contained within the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

The UAPDA will establish a new nine-person “UAP Records Review Board” to be empowered by Congress with subpoena power and the power to exercise the government’s authority of eminent domain to extract every document and every physical piece of evidence about UAP. This legislation will task this new Board with the duty to present to our President a “Controlled Disclosure Campaign Plan,” under which our government will be mandated to reveal to the public “as much as possible” about the UAP phenomenon that may disclosed without jeopardizing national security.

“The UAPDA is must pass legislation. The public deserves the truth. It’s been 80 years of lies and obfuscation from the government. This UAP phenomenon is bigger than that of any political party. I’m putting every Member of Congress, House and Senate, on notice. Pass the Schumer-Rounds amendment,” said Sheehan. “Regardless of party, I will mobilize and rally American voters. They will demand an honest, open, and transparent government. Together, we will win the disclosure of our government’s UAP secrets, and we will do so the easy way, or we’ll do it the hard way.”

Since its launch, the NPI’s social media operation has collectively reached over 100,000 impressions and has contacted thousands of American voters through its first voter contact initiative to demand passage of the UAPDA. And, as noted by the Liberation Times, NPI recently opened a Washington, DC, office to lobby and advocate for government UAP transparency.

“We’ve taken on the government and the powerful, well-heeled, special interests, time and time again. We’re bringing the same energy and determination to government UAP secrecy. Together, with our new voter initiative and the American people, we will win this fight,” Sheehan concluded.