
NPI Ad Campaign Urges Congress to Hold UAP Hearings

Press Release|UFO/UAP and the US Government|Non-Human Intelligence (NHI)
onFebruary 12, 2024
We've launched a series of ads urging the public to demand Congress hold hearings on UAPs. This initiative aims to increase transparency and accountability by bringing the phenomenon into the public eye and emphasizing the importance of disclosure for the benefit of humanity. You can get involved by contacting your representatives, spreading the word, and supporting our efforts to ensure policymakers address these crucial issues.

The New Paradigm Institute released six ads today appealing to different constituencies to gain public support for Congressional hearings on UAP.

We will not stop until we achieve complete but responsible disclosure.”

— Daniel Sheehan

WASHINGTON, DC, UNITED STATES, February 12, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — Today, the New Paradigm Institute (NPI) launched six ads on social media to educate and mobilize the public to call on Congress to hold more unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) hearings.

The six ads appeal to a broad spectrum of the public and continue the mission NPI started last fall: building a nonpartisan groundswell of citizens demanding that Congress act and fulfill its oversight responsibilities.

“Since launching our first initiative, we have engaged with tens of thousands of Americans. From coast to coast, the public has joined our cause demanding truth and transparency,” said New Paradigm Institute President and Chief Counsel Daniel Sheehan. “With this paid social media campaign, we will reach greater audiences and increase pressure on Congress. We will not stop until we achieve complete but responsible disclosure.”

The six ads target issues the public cares about, including our climate crisis, the readiness of our military, health implications after exposure to UAP, and flight safety risks.

The ads can all be viewed in their entirety on our YouTube Channel.

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Climate – Script: “A blue dot in the Universe. Forever chemicals. Microplastics. The burning of fossil fuels. We need solutions to our climate crisis. Our government now admits UFOs are real and is in possession of technologies well beyond our understanding with the ability to provide clean energy. But the government won’t tell us what they know. Go to New Paradigm Institute.org, take action, and demand Congress hold hearings.”
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Health – Script: “The government has been investigating unidentified anomalous phenomena for 80 years. And the government admits it’s real. People have been physically and psychologically impacted by UFOs. But the government won’t tell us what they know. Go to New Paradigm Institute.org, take action, and demand Congress hold hearings. The truth is long overdue.”

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Readiness – Script: “The government says UFOs are interfering with our military, impacting our training and readiness. US military pilots have reported encounters with craft of unknown origin. But the government won’t tell us what they know. Go to New Paradigm Institute.org, take action, and demand Congress hold hearings. It’s time for the truth.”
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Safety – Script: “The government now admits that unidentified anomalous phenomenon is real. A government report said UFOs are a flight safety risk. But they won’t tell us what they know. Go to New Paradigm Institute.org, take action, and demand Congress hold hearings. It’s time for the truth.”

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Weapons – Script: “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena have been the subject of 80 years of investigation. The United States government acknowledges their existence but remains silent on the specifics. Recovered nonhuman technology is being used to develop secret weapons rather than addressing our common challenges. Go to New Paradigm Institute.org, take action, demand transparency and answers.”

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Whistleblower – Script: US Rep. Glenn Grothman (WI-6): “Do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?” Male AVO 2: “In July of 2023, credible military witnesses testified under oath that UFOs are real and that the United States government is in possession of recovered nonhuman spacecraft.” David Grusch: “A UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering program.” Male AVO 2: “These recovered technologies may be able to provide solutions for our energy and environmental crises. Go to the New Paradigm Institute.org, take action, and demand Congress hold more public hearings.”