
Danny Sheehan Challenges AARO Program Denials in Open Letter

Daniel P Sheehan Master Press Shot e1707843501535
Document|AARO|Core Learning Tools
onMarch 10, 2024
Danny critiques Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick and AARO for denying evidence of UFO crash retrieval programs. He emphasizes the need for congressional hearings and the UAP Controlled Disclosure Act to uncover the truth about UFOs. Danny calls on the public to demand transparency and accountability regarding UFO phenomena. For more details, read the full letter here.


• One of the attorneys for The New York Times in the 1971 Pentagon Papers case that publicly revealed the systematic lying on the part of four successive American Administrations to our people - and to our American Congress - about the causes and conduct of the Vietnam War;

• Chief Counsel in both the 1975 Karen Silkwood case and the 1979 ThreeMile Island case that, together, revealed the systematic lying on the part of the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission about the safety of the 1960’s
and 70’s private nuclear industry;

• Chief Counsel in the 1986 Iran/Contra Federal Criminal Racketeering Act case against Colonel Oliver North’s infamous “Off-The-Shelf Covert Operations Enterprise” that generated U.S. Congressional Public Hearings and the federal criminal indictments of several of the highest-ranking officials of the Reagan/Bush Administration for lying to Congress about the criminal violations of the Pentagon and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the course of their illegally providing arms to the Central American Contras in direct defiance of Congress; and now

• As the 2020 co-founder of Washington, D.C.-based New Paradigm Institute, dedicated to exposing the truth that has been actively hidden for almost 80 years by secret operatives of the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community, both from our people – and from Congress – revealing that our military and intelligence agencies have recovered an intact extraterrestrial spacecraft of non-human origin and are in possession of the biological remains of the occupants of that craft that prove that this phenomenon is non-human, I am astonished – and saddened – at the brazen nature of the attempt on the part of Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, former Director of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), and his staff to continue to maintain as legitimate the universally discredited results of all of the historical so-called government investigations of the UFO Phenomenon conducted in 1947 as Project SAUCER; in 1948 as Project SIGN; in 1949 as Project GRUDGE; in 1950 as Project TWINKLE; in 1951as the reestablished Project GRUDGE; in 1953 as The Robertson Panel; and between 1952- to-1969 as Project BLUE BOOK. Any American with a political knowledge above that of a high school senior knows full well that every one of those so-called government investigations was nothing more than a pre-ordained cover-up of the actual activity that was being conducted, in deep secret, by the Department of Defense and our Intelligence Community regarding the UFO Phenomenon. Dr. Kirkpatrick and his associates in AARO are sadly continuing that long National Security State tradition of actively lying to Congress – and to the American People - through the release of their March 8th, 2024 “Report on the Historical Record of U.S. Government Involvement with Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), Vol. 1.” That Report is nothing
more than a cheap retread of the now utterly threadbare lies and omissions of the repeated historical false investigations regarding this extraordinarily-important phenomenon by the American National Security State. I am taking the extraordinary step of informing the public and the media that I, personally, know that Dr. Kirkpatrick and his associates at AARO are consciously lying when they falsely assert that they have been provided no substantiable evidence of the existence of a secret U.S. government UFO crash retrieval program because I personally provided to Dr. Kirkpatrick himself, under oath, the fact that, in the Spring of 1977 – in my capacity as Special Counsel to the U.S. Congressional Research Service’s Science & Technology Division’s Official Research Project undertaken at the direct official request of then-newly-elected President Jimmy Carter to report to the President what evidence existed within our government pertaining to the UFO Phenomenon and the potential relationship of this phenomenon to an Extraterrestrial Intelligence - I was granted access to the still-classified files of Project Blue Book related to the over 700 cases of UFO sightings that could not be rationalized as any natural phenomenon that had been simply mistakenly mis-identified as a UFO – and, that, in that capacity, I was shown, by official representatives of our U.S. government, several official photographs of an active UFO crash retrieval operation. I informed Dr. Kirkpatrick that I was certain the UFO in the photographs (a classic metal saucer with a domed top) was NOT from any known human civilization because it bore distinctive symbol-lettering around the base of the dome of the craft generic to NO human civilization. Moreover, I provided ample supportive information directly to Dr. Kirkpatrick to enable him and his associates at AARO to identify and locate those files that had been specially delivered to the thenbrand-new Madison Building basement for my review. If Dr. Kirkpatrick and his staff had made even the slightest good-faith effort to identify and recover that cache of specific official U.S. government Blue Book files specially delivered to Washington for my inspection, they would have had the proof they now deny having found. With the March 8th publication of this newest, in a long line of consciously duplicitous official U.S. government investigative reports falsely denying the existence of this secret program on the part of the National Security State, the time has finally arrived for our elected Representatives in Congress, in both the House and Senate, to stand up and fulfill their Constitutional obligation to us as American citizens to bring this lying Secret National Security State finally to heel, and pass into law the 64-page UFO/ “UAP Controlled Disclosure Act” that has been unanimously passed by every Republican and every Democratic U.S. Senator of the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI). Only a shadow of that Act was approved by the National Defense Authorization Act Conference Committee last December. But SSCI and the House Oversight .Committee CAN BE convinced to hold public hearings this Spring to expose the truth about the UFO Phenomenon IF EVERY ONE OF US CONTACTS OUR REPRESENTATIVE AND OUR TWO U.S. SENATORS AND DEMANDS THAT THESE PUBLIC HEARINGS BE CONVENED NOW.

Contact NEW PARADIGM INSTITUTE.ORG for further information on how you can become a Member of CITIZENS FOR DISCLOSURE.

Respectfully submitted,

March 9th, 2024