Active Campaigns

Action Outcomes

Below are a selection of recent activities in our ongoing efforts to compel UAP disclosure and prepare the human family for proof of UAP technology and contact with non-human intelligence.
UAP Advocates Rally At Senator Schumer’s Office In New York As Efforts Mobilize Across 45 StatesAdvocates for the disclosure of U.S. government records related to unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) will attend a sidewalk rally in New York this week in support of Senator Chuck Schumer and his efforts toward greater government transparency, and to urge for future Congressional hearings on the matter.Danny Sheehan Challenges AARO Program Denials in Open LetterDanny critiques Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick and AARO for denying evidence of UFO crash retrieval programs. He emphasizes the need for congressional hearings and the UAP Controlled Disclosure Act to uncover the truth about UFOs. Danny calls on the public to demand transparency and accountability regarding UFO phenomena. For more details, read the full letter here.NPI Ad Campaign Urges Congress to Hold UAP HearingsWe've launched a series of ads urging the public to demand Congress hold hearings on UAPs. This initiative aims to increase transparency and accountability by bringing the phenomenon into the public eye and emphasizing the importance of disclosure for the benefit of humanity. You can get involved by contacting your representatives, spreading the word, and supporting our efforts to ensure policymakers address these crucial issues.New Paradigm Institute Coordinating Enhanced UAP Whistleblower Protections, Asks Public To Support Coming LegislationNPI supports enhanced UAP whistleblower protections and launches a legislative advocacy campaign. The organization has already spoken with US Rep. Tim Burchett.Mobilizing Against Government Disinformation: A Call to Action on UAPAARO recently released the “Report on the Historical Record of US Government Involvement with Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Vol. 1” to fulfill that mandate from Congress. However, many view the report as another attempt to obscure what some elements of government, and possibly private aerospace defense contractors, know about UAP.Danny Sheehan Pushes Congress for UAP TransparencyDanny is urging lawmakers to increase transparency on UAP issues by serving notice to Congress and engaging voters. We are pushing for the disclosure of vital information to ensure accountability and public awareness. This effort highlights the significance of UAP transparency and encourages voter involvement in demanding action from their representatives. For more details, read the full article here.
Silhouette on car against night sky

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